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installation monitoring solution

Simple Web-based Dashboard for real-time insights into operations

  • Get comprehensive operational oversight and situational awareness of key installation activity data in a single dashboard, accessible via Wi-Fi on smartphones, laptops, and tablets.
  • The platform aggregates data from multiple sources such as hammer supplier and surveyor, and monitors the performance of subcontractor systems.
  • Instantly align both onboard and onshore teams with Flucto’s dashboard displaying all operational data and alerts, ensuring everyone is up-do-date with real-time progress.
  • Synchronize data from all sources and store them in one central platform; enabling analysis and operational improvement.
flucto dashboard

motion sensor box

Flucto has developed a novel technique to monitor the pile drive using optical features on the pile. The optical pile tracking allows for a precise tracking of the pile drive with no latency of the data without the need of new dedicated markers on the pile itself. Since flucto's motion sensor boxes incorporate a survey grade motion reference unit (MRU) the pile tracking can also be used on moving-vessels since the tracking is corrected for vessel motion.

The motion sensor box can be used to mitigate certain instances of pile run risks or just be used to collect data about your operations.

optical pile tracking

Every important parameter of the pile driving can be displayed in real time using flucto's pile driving interface that can also display third party data.
The piling interface is hosted on each installation vessel but may also be accessed via the internet to offer the supporting team onshore updates on the operation.

The piling interface is not limited to piling operations. Every other operation may be digitized and monitored using flucto's technology stack.

Motion sensor box prototype developed by university of Bremen during a research project.

bespoke data processing services

Gain novel insights into current and previous operations

Flucto's team has a unique combination of Offshore experience and data science expertise, allowing us to provide you with actionable insights relevant to the installation environment.

Flucto can:

  • Process, synchronize, and organize data from your previous operations across
    multiple sources.
  • Leverage data from other campaigns Flucto participated in to enhance insights with more data.
  • Leverage Flucto’s world class algorithms and professionals with dual offshore experience and machine learning/data science expertise.

Reach out if you would like a free consultation on your data analytics needs.