flucto in the field
Throughout the years, flucto's motion sensor boxes have accumulated more 30.000 working hours offshore and contributed to a successful installation campaign.
With the installation of the Yunlin wind park in Taiwan, the flucto-team was able to acquire extensive offshore experience.
Working and developing our products together with our customers in the field let us improve and refine our technology even more.

Axzion's UET 1800 monopile upending tool, equipped with flucto's motion sensor boxes. The motion sensor boxes precisely track the upending process, detect collisions and - together with wind and wave data - provide the basis for measurement driven installation processes.

A motion sensor box mounted on a pile gripper during the installation of the offshore wind farm yunlin in Taiwan, 2022. The motion sensor box uses its internal camera to track the progress of the monopile as it is hammered into the seabed. The internal motion sensors are used to compensate for vessel motion.

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